If you were to assume that Melody or (Mel as she is commonly referred) is just another pretty face…you’d be right. But then you’d be very wrong. She’s a lot of things, a pretty face just happens to be one of them. She’s a native New Yorker, a proud Filipino, a creative director for a digital marketing agency, a self-proclaimed geek, a blogger, a TCU Horn Frog, a proud member of Delta Sigma Theta, and a single mom to her 13 year old daughter Mariah. It’s blatantly evident that the latter is a driving force for her life. “I was raised by my grandparents and we had humble beginnings but that just serves as motivation to want better for me and my daughter” she says. That driving force is very subtle. She is shy but not timid. She’s one of those “actions speak louder than words” kind of women.
Whether it is at her day job where she and her team of designers help elevate brands
through digital marketing, at home raising Mariah, or with her lifestyle blog My Everyday Lifestyle (M.E.L …get it?). “I’ve been doing it for about two and a half years now. It has evolved a bit. Initially it was just a creative outlet to do outside of my day job, but it’s became more than at, as I’m now discovering what I like to post about and not be afraid if someone is going to like it or not. It covers fashion and geek-fashion, DIY stuff and lately has gone more towards comic related stuff” she says. Whatever she’s doing seems to be working as she has been tapped by brands such as Coach, Jord Watches, Clinique, and Smile Brilliant to be an influencer. It even got her a free trip to the 2016 San Diego Comic-Con courtesy of DC
Comics & Warner Brothers for her cosplay rendition of Suicide Squad Katana to coincide with the release of the summer blockbuster hit. We’ve collaborated on a couple of occasions for her blog, so this isn’t an introduction for me, however once she buys me a beer I begin to learn a lot more.
IT: What led you to do what it is you do now or how did you get started?
I’ve always been creative. I was always into art and my dad from what I know of him used to draw a lot and I think I picked up that artistic side from him. I’ve always wanted to express myself creatively. Specifically, through design.
What is your opinion of the art scene here in Dallas?
I think it’s growing. You can tell by some of the places like Bishop Arts and a few areas in Ft. Worth that have more of a “down to earth” art scene. Reminds me a little of New York with some of the graffiti and stuff.
photo by Emily McCartney
IT: What were your early influences artistically?
It’s funny because I’m more influenced by pop culture. Being from New York and growing up in the hip-hop culture with sneakers and Wu Tang that’s where I was heavily influenced by. Not a specific artist necessarily.
IT: What has been your experience being a female artist positive or negative?
There aren’t a lot of female creative directors out there. There is literally a conference called “3 Percent” that was created to champion female creative talent and leadership because we are truly the minority in the industry. You see mostly men. It’s one of the reasons me and my boss gel so well because she understands me and I’m not the typical person for that role and we’re trying to be disruptors to a degree. I may look young to some, that I am constantly having to prove my knowledge and credibility, but on the flipside when I’m producing great design,
art direction, and can tap into what is current, there is a certain satisfaction that comes with proving what I’m capable of.
photo by Emily McCartney
IT: What inspires you?
My daughter. Having her has given me more direction in my life. She drives me. I want to show her what having a passion looks like.
IT: What gives you the most joy in doing what you do?
Just expressing myself creatively. Especially with my blog. There I can be the geek fashionista that I am, express my love for comics and not care what anyone else thinks.
photo by Emily McCartney
What is it in your opinion that you bring to the table artistically that is unique to you?
I think my sense of style. I fuse street
fashion style with a little bit of that geek style. My style can be very ambidextrous and versatile. Hence,
it’s My Everyday Lifestyle.
Ok, so what’s next?
I’ve started video blogging a bit, but I want to continue and expand and grow my brand awareness and be an
advocate to younger girls who may not have much growing up just like I did.
“When I was younger other girls wanted to be Barbie, I
wanted to be a ninja turtle”. Stay
weird. –xo Mel
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