For all those looking to venture out this Halloween here are just a couple of the notable events you might want to consider including in your itinerary. So whether your going trick or treating (which translates to bar-hopping for grown ups), getting all dressed up in you scariest costume, or just looking for a good reason to wear those fish-nets and thigh-high boots in public without being judged here are a couple places to do it:

First up is Black House and what is sure to be one of the best parties for the evening. Join them for the sexiest Halloween party this season. Black House is taking place at The Globe. Conveniently anchored on the up and coming Riverfront Boulevard near downtown Dallas.
After Midnight, Black House's costume contest begins. The best costume of the night walks home with $300 CASH! This is not an ordinary costume contest where some CVS makeup and fake blood will get you the cash. Expect to see some of the scariest, sexiest and most creative costumes you will ever behold.
Doors open at 10PM – 2AM. Special Guest DJ Jay Clipp Purchase your tickets HERE
First Free Ride on Uber use code BLACKHOUSE
Maybe the typical Halloween costume party doesn't spark your interest. Then how about classic Hip Hop?! DJ Spinderella has made Dallas her home in the last couple of years and now she's bringing the ladies that helped to pioneer the road for women in rap music. Catch Grammy Award winning duo, Salt-N-Pepa, perform LIVE at
The Rustic. Tickets at $26 and are on sale now at
Outhouse Tickets.
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