If I told you I knew where this was going I'd be lying. That this was all part of my master plan and it turned out exactly as I thought it would, that would be untrue. Truth of the matter is this was something that I stumbled on. I just started writing a list of people I wanted to profile and by the time I got to the fifth name I realized they were all women. And that was it, Women In Transit was born. But that is just the tip of the iceberg of what I didn't know. I had no idea where this journey would take me. No clue about the friendships I would make, the things I would learn, and how I would grow.

As progressive and as forward thinking as I like to think I am, even I underestimated the power of women and the impact they can have as a unified collective. Women In Transit became something bigger than I was and has taken a life of it's own. I could have never guessed the reaction from the audience who read the articles or the reception of the attendees at the event. How the feedback opened my eyes to perspectives I had yet to even contemplate.
There was the strength and perseverance of Tiffani, the dopeness of Ursa, the infectious positive vibes of Christina, and the realness of Erica. Takiyah taught me what a late bloomer was and how cool it is to be one. Angela taught me I don't have to be just great at just one thing. Dani showed me what tenured knowledge in your profession looks like with youthful spirit and Morgana showed me how to be comfortable in your own skin artistically. Amber and Shareea shoot with lenses that literally romance the very world that we inhabit while Mel's art is the very lifestyle that she lives. Yasmine's journey shows how she managed to go through life and keep on dancing while Marian's depth and artistic range know no bounds.

Now comes the challenge of going forward and building on the foundation that was set. A responsibility that I take great pleasure in. In 2017 we'll take it to the next level! Although Women In Transit was about celebrating the talent of these phenomenal ladies I can say that I truly benefited from it as well and couldn't think of a better way to end 2016. Thanks you ladies!