Thursday, September 15, 2016

Jay-Z: "The War on Drugs Is an Epic Fail"

Jay-z has never been one to shy away from his past in the streets.  It's practically been a major part of his artistry since he debuted 20 years ago.  Here he partners with the New York Times and long time friend and scribe Dream Hampton to offer a poignant op-ed piece of the failed drug laws of the 80's and 90's that so disproportionately effected the disenfranchised of this country.

Thursday, September 8, 2016


"CONTROL" | Short Film from Julian Race on Vimeo.

"Control" is a visual journey of symbolism and cryptic metaphor highlighting the lack of control we all have in our lives. It may take a lifetime, but we must all learn to face and deal with our fears, while at the same time accept the things that we can not control.
Written / Directed / Narrated by Julian Race | Artisan // Trade Agency
Roxanna Redfoot | Campbell Agency Dallas
Gretchen Young | Kim Dawson Agency Dallas
Wardrobe by Danielle Brown | Artisan // Trade Agency
In Transit. All rights reserved. © Design by Maira Gall.