Anyone who knows me knows that I typically avoid "all-white parties" if I can help it. I honestly just think they're corny. In my head I envision this lame attempt to re-enact Diddy's legendary now defunct Labor Day shindig he used to host annually in the Hamptons. And personally I think guys in all white look like douche-bags. Women look great but guys...not so much. The white rimmed shades, white watches, white linen and the dreaded white dress shoe...smh. So when I first heard of the Diner En Blanc I wasn't that excited and to be honest I didn't know much about it and then I did a little research and asked some friends who had attended in other cities
I was met with stories, memories, and experiences they described as those that would last a lifetime. How friends and loved ones donned in all white came together for one incredible evening. Much like in the same way a group of friends came together 27 years ago in Paris, France to which this occasion was birthed. This event has since went global has been held from Europe to the Middle East and right back to the Big D itself. So I admit I was intrigued. From the secret location (to which all attendees were bused to from various rendezvous points around the city) to the exclusivity in which people were invited, my interest was definitely peaked
What a time it was indeed! An evening filled with food, fun, and friends. There was wine, beautiful people and even fireworks! Dallas' inaugural Diner En Blanc was a welcome success and a social event the city will continue to look forward to for sometime to come. Cheers!